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    by CynthiaYockey on February 24, 2018

    This photo is taken from a YouTube video of the San Francisco Pride March in 2017. The transgender-identified heterosexual men are brandishing weapons and making threats against anyone who would exclude them from women's spaces. The main target for their rage is lesbians who refuse to have sex with them because they are men and have penises. That's not a joke. The majority of the transgender movement is comprised of heterosexual men called "autogynephiles" because of their sexual attraction to themselves in the form of a woman.

    This photo is taken from a YouTube video of the San Francisco Pride March in 2017. These transgender-identified heterosexual men are brandishing weapons and making threats against anyone who would exclude them from women’s spaces. The main target for their rage is lesbians who refuse to have sex with them because they are men and have penises. That’s not a joke. The majority of the transgender movement is comprised of heterosexual men called “autogynephiles” because of their sexual attraction to themselves in the form of a woman.

    What is the transgender coup?
    How can you help me launch a secular movement to undo it?


    Briefly, by deception about what causes transgenderism and their true intentions, transgender activists have gotten laws passed that allow them to silence anyone who questions them, and they’ve taken control of the psychotherapy and medical professions, and public schools and universities.
    I’ll focus here on the result of that for children and gays. I’ll discuss the consequences for women in a separate post.
    A meta-analysis of over 40 years of studies about who persists and who desists from childhood insistence on being the opposite sex by Dr. James Cantor, who is gay, shows conclusively that 80 to 96 percent of children who believe they are the opposite sex desist spontaneously from this belief in their teens. It also shows that most of these desisting teens are gay or lesbian. The take-away is that doing nothing and wait-and-see until the late teens or early twenties is the best treatment for gender dysphoric children. Kids don’t grow out of being gay, but they definitely grow out of thinking they’re the opposite sex.
    The coup by transgender activists is to impose in schools a regime shown to turn almost 100 percent of gender dysphoric children into transgender teens, so almost none can desist. Yes, this means they are turning a nearly 100 percent cure rate at zero cost to a nearly 100 percent rate of becoming a life-long medical patient at enormous cost and risk.
    This is done by socially transitioning children at school, often without their parents’ knowledge or consent, from nursery school and up. Although research shows that the best cure for gender dysphoric feelings is puberty, when teens say falling in love, having sexual feelings, and masturbating make their gender dysphoria disappear, the new medical protocol is to give children puberty blockers so they can never have the sexual feelings that could make them happy with their bodies. These puberty blockers were called “chemical castration” not so long ago when they were used to de-gay men. They have been re-branded to de-gay teens.
    Transgender-identified teen Jazz Jennings is the poster boy for this protocol. He was socially transitioned at age 3 when he was misdiagnosed as transgender. He began puberty blockers at age 11 and cross-sex hormones at 13. At 16, he admitted to a surgeon that he has never masturbated. He also has no idea what his sexual orientation is, another tipoff that he has no sexual feelings. He and his family appear to believe that he will gain sexual feelings when he has his vaginoplasty. This is unlikely. I’ve found an experience from a man in his twenties who followed the same path and found his sexual feelings are gone forever. Romantic partners want someone who can feel sexual passion, so he can’t keep a man.
    Transgender activists also recruit kids on social media when they come out as gay or lesbian and work them over until they decide they’re really transgender.
    A generation of gay and lesbian teens and young adults are being lured, deceived, bullied, and medicated into becoming transgender. Sheila Jeffries is calling it gay genocide.
    Also, this is a violent coup. By socializing transgender people to believe that “misgendering” them is murder, transgender activists are inciting transgender-identified people to violence and murder. Transgender-identified heterosexual men claiming to be lesbians marched in Pride marches last year brandishing weapons and signs with death threats. At least one boy murdered his parents and their dog for refusing to believe he is transgender. His actual problem is probably autism, but therapists are supposed to affirm a self-diagnosis of transgenderism by teens and not check to see if they have another problem causing that belief, including their fear of coming out as gay or lesbian. Transgender activists also no-platform meetings and try to get anyone who questions their motives fired from their jobs. Actually, that’s what they do to everyone who questions them or tries to have a female-only space.


    Crowdfund me now to do this work full-time to undo the transgender coup.


    Click the “Donate” button below and give a one-time donation, or subscribe in any amount.

    Just 300 subscribers at $10 a month will allow me to start this job full-time. With that financial security, I can create an organization that can win donations from large donors and foundations, and build a movement that will undo the transgender coup with an agenda that is good for everyone. I can create a company that will advise Republican candidates on how to rise above Democrat charges that they are transphobic, which will keep Democrats from getting the power to impose the transgender coup in law. This is especially important at the local and state levels. Transgender activists announced last year they are pouring $26 million into six battleground states, with special attention on local and state elections.

    This is an urgent plea because for the last few months, I was promised major financial help so I acted in accordance with the belief these promises would be kept. Then I found out this week that they won’t. The money I expecting won’t come. Now I have overdue bills to pay to keep the lights, heat, and Internet on, plus my mortgage.

    So I’m looking for the people passionate enough about saving children from being wrongfully transitioned to click the button below and donate.

    I’m looking for people who are passionate enough about repealing transgender activist speech codes that require people to lie about their sex to click the button below and donate.

    I’m looking for my tribe.

    Why should you crowdfund me with your donations and subscriptions?

    I can do this.

    For starters, since I’m a conservative lesbian, transgender activists can’t accuse me of prejudice without bringing up the topic of their brutal treatment of lesbians.

    I live in Iowa, which has a Republican-majority state legislature and Republican governor. I live in a town where I have a good chance of developing local support. I’ve established relationships with important national and state groups of social conservatives. I’m an expert on the topic. I’m writing a book, War in the Women’s Room: How to Get Men in Dresses Out of Women’s Spaces, Save Your Children from Confusion About Their Sex, and Undo the Transgender Coup, which will be published by DANGEROUS Books later this year.

    Also, I have a global platform now because I just started writing for the new conservative news site, DANGEROUS, with a mandate to expose the truth about transgender activism and show there’s a positive way forward instead of the destructive one they are enacting by deceit and force. In my first post I gave an overview of autogynephilia. In my second one, I was the only journalist on the national stage to point out the transgender-identified man making news for breastfeeding a baby was fulfilling a common sexual fantasy of autogynephiles.

    At DANGEROUS, I asked for my compensation to come entirely from reader donations because I believe readers will donate generously when they wake up to the peril they’re in from the transgender coup. Plus, the number of donations I receive, the number of subscriptions I have, and the total amounts donated will show big donors and foundations that giving to me to undo the transgender coup has passionate grassroots support.

    I wouldn’t be able to prove that if I took the usual offer of payment based on traffic generated. Passion comes first, then traffic.

    Please click the “Donate” button below because it takes money to undo the transgender coup. Thank you.

    UPDATE, 2/25/18, Sun.: If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click HERE to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!



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    by CynthiaYockey on February 25, 2018

    匿名伕理ipI’m now writing for DANGEROUS.com, published by Milo Yiannopoulos, with the mandate of exposing the truth about transgender activism and the constructive alternatives to its destructive demands. In my debut post, I explain the most important thing everyone needs to understand about the sexual disorder driving the demands of transgender activists–autogynephilia:

    In the 1980s and 90s, psychologist Ray Blanchard worked out that transsexuals fall into two main types: homosexual and non-homosexual.

    Homosexual transsexuals may be gay males or lesbians. Dr. Blanchard coined the term “autogynephilia” in 1989 to describe the non-homosexual transsexuals, a group comprised of heterosexuals, bisexuals, and asexuals. Asexual, in this sense, means they are only attracted to themselves). Autogynephilia is a self-induced, chronic, progressive disorder that is almost exclusively a male condition.

    What’s the difference between transgender and transsexual?

    If you’re wondering why we now refer to the transgender movement, instead of the transsexual movement, there are two reasons.

    First, “transgender” is an umbrella term that includes everyone from those who only declare they are the opposite sex, but continue to present according to the sexual stereotypes for their birth sex, to transsexuals who undergo surgeries and take hormones to become a facsimile of the opposite sex.

    Second, transsexuals won their battle for acceptance in the twentieth century when they persuaded most states to corrupt their ID laws by allowing transsexuals to change their name and sex on their birth certificates. That’s why most proposed bathroom laws use the sex recorded on birth certificates as their standard for who is admitted to sex-segregated spaces.

    Most transgenders have an entirely different battle because ….

    Read the rest here.

    At my request, my payment for my work at DANGEROUS.com comes totally from reader donations. That’s because I need to be able to show the level of passion my readers have about undoing the transgender coup. Transgender activists are a facsimile group committing rights piracy. Please donate because I can show my readers a better way forward. Just click 匿名伕理ip to donate through my PayPal Me link. Thank you!


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    by CynthiaYockey on February 25, 2018

    The image is a screen capture of a tweet by @confirmedturf with a photo of a sculpture of Romulus and Remus suckling a she-wolf saying, "It is a little-known fact that the she-wolf was in fact assigned male at birth yet was able to raise Romulus and Remus to adulthood on her milk after inducing lactation following a diet of magic herbs and pumping."I’m now writing for DANGEROUS.com, published by Milo Yiannopoulos, with the mandate of exposing the truth about transgender activism and the constructive alternatives to its destructive demands :

    The sexual fantasy of breastfeeding a baby is so common that it is diagnostic for the transgender condition known as autogynephilia.

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    The subject for the breastfeeding study, conducted by the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, came in with the goal of breastfeeding the child his expecting partner because she didn’t want to do it.

    He was a 30-year-old transgender fully equipped with a penis, testicles, and Tanner stage V breasts–a “C” cup or larger. He began taking cross-sex, feminizing hormones in 2011.

    To little surprise, mainstream media outlets covering the breastfeeding transgender woman story, such as the Washington Post  and the New York Times, have not reported ….

    Read the rest here.

    At my request, my payment for my work at DANGEROUS.com comes totally from reader donations. That’s because I need to be able to show the level of passion my readers have about undoing the transgender coup. Transgender activists are a facsimile group committing rights piracy. Please donate because I can show my readers a better way forward. Just click 匿名伕理ip to donate through my PayPal Me link. Thank you!


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    by CynthiaYockey on 高匿名ip伕理

    Adam Wheeler is a white man who says he is a Filipino woman, which makes him a member of both the transgender and transracial facsimile rights groups. For rights pirates, transracial is the new transgender.

    国内高匿免费HTTP伕理IP - 快伕理:2021-7-30 · 免费伕理由第三方服务器提供,IP质量不高。高质量IP请联系客服领取试用。 打开在线客服 IP PORT 匿名度 类型 位置 响应速度 最后验证时间 8088 高匿名 HTTP 台湾省 台湾基础开发科技股份有限公司 2 秒 2021-07-30 19:15:19 ...

    Read my work at Bombthrowers, the blog of the conservative investigative think tank, the Capital Research Center:

    … I propose the term “facsimile groups” for any community of people who appropriate the appearance and characteristics of a class of people whose rights have traditionally been protected on the basis of their immutable characteristics, such as sex or race.

    The right needs the term “facsimile groups” because it gives them a name for the scam being run by transgender and transracial activists, which is that denying reality and faking their appearance entitles them not only to social recognition as something they aren’t, but also legal protections defined by physical characteristics they can never have.

    I also propose characterizing facsimile group rights activists as rights pirates, similar to intellectual property rights pirates, because their objectives are to steal the hard-won rights based on sex and race to give them to men in womanface, like Caitlyn Jenner, and whites in blackface, like Rachel Dolezal.

    Let’s look at a small piece of the destruction that these facsimile rights activists are wreaking on society.

    On November 20, a man named Rachel Tudor won damages of $1,165,000 from his employer, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, in federal court on the claim he was discriminated against on the basis of his gender as a woman. This is piracy, of a sort.

    How is Professor Tudor stealing rights from women? For starters….

    Please make a donation or subscribe because I can create the first secular organization entirely devoted to undoing the transgender coup when I have at least 300 subscribers at $10 a month.

    匿名伕理ip If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click HERE to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!



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    by CynthiaYockey on February 24, 2018


    Danica Roem, from his 2017 campaign YouTube ad.

    Read my work at Bombthrowers, the blog of the conservative investigative think tank, the Capital Research Center:

    To get people to ignore that his transgender identity was the most important issue in his campaign, Roem’s YouTube advertisement uses the persuasion technique of getting people to “think past the sale.” “The sale” in this case is Roem’s appropriation of a female identity…

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    Roem raised $806,825 to the $305,170 raised by Bob Marshall. Roem’s biggest donor was millionaire Chris Abele, chairman of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, which donates to the campaigns of LGBTQ candidates. Abele gave Roem his first big donation of $10,000 in May and two donations in October totaling $75,000. Abele personally donated a total of $190,000 to Roem’s campaign, while the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund gave $3,000.

    In 2018, transgender activist candidates will be even richer and more assured of victory in their local and state elections, thanks to the $26 million the Human Rights Campaign announced in July that it will spend to hire 20 new employees to support LGBTQ candidates and influence elections at every level in six battleground states: Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. HRC leaders are obviously thinking ahead to the 2024 presidential race because these states accounted for 81 votes in the Electoral College in 2016 and Trump won in five of them. In the overall count, Hillary carried Nevada but lost by 77 electoral votes.

    The HRC Rising campaign, as it’s called, will be waged against all Republican candidates in these states. Expect them to weaponize transgenders using the successful ….

    Please make a donation or subscribe because I can create the first secular organization entirely devoted to undoing the transgender coup when I have at least 300 subscribers at $10 a month.

    UPDATE, 2/25/18, Sun.: If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click 匿名伕理ip to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!



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    by CynthiaYockey on February 24, 2018

    Screenshot of a tweet by the Associated Press

    Read my work at Bombthrowers, the blog of the conservative investigative think tank, the Capital Research Center:

    For terms about gender and transgender people, the [Associated Press] Stylebook has adopted the words and dogmas preferred by transgender activists and rejected the objections of women to transgender terminology that “erases” women, assuming…

    Please make a donation or subscribe because with at least 300 subscribers at $10 a month, I can create the first secular organization entirely devoted to undoing the transgender coup.

    UPDATE, 2/25/18, Sun.: If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click HERE to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!


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    by CynthiaYockey on February 24, 2018

    Transgender-identified female student, James van Kuilenburg. (Photo: GLSEN.org)

    Transgender-identified female student, James van Kuilenburg. (Photo: GLSEN.org)

    Read my work at Bombthrowers, the blog of the conservative investigative think tank, the Capital Research Center:

    The transgender activist movement has been so successful in “no-platforming” every objection to its goals that even the conservatives I interviewed on the topic at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) were unaware that there are valid objections….

    James is a girl. The reporter saves the details of her coming out at age 12 for later in the story along with the key information that James is a powerful transgender activist capable of destroying the lives of everyone in her way. The timing of her coming out coincides with the fact that until the last four or five years, the vast majority of young transgenders were boys who grew up to be gay. Now the majority are girls.

    The difference is due to transgenderism as a social contagion, comparable to the pandemic of bulimia, spread through social media. Transgender activists, online and in real life, pounce on teenage girls…

    Please make a donation or subscribe because with at least 300 subscribers at $10 a month, I can create the first secular organization entirely devoted to undoing the transgender coup.

    匿名伕理ip If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click HERE to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!


    Follow conservativelez on Twitter

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    A rare victory for freedom of speech: The transgender coup fails to get a professor silenced and fired

    by 匿名伕理ip on February 24, 2018


    Scott Yenor teaches political philosophy at Boise State University where he is a professor of political science.

    Read my work at Bombthrowers, the blog of the conservative think tank of the Capital Research Center:

    The College Fix reports that transgender activists are gathering signatures on a petition to get Boise State University Professor Scott Yenor fired for writing an article for the Daily Signal about the destructive ways radical feminists have effected revolutionary changes in society. Professor Yenor writes their next big goal is to promote the transgender activist agenda, especially its drive to repeal … 

    Please make a donation or subscribe because with at least 300 subscribers donating $10 a month, I can build a company to undo the transgender coup.

    UPDATE, 2/25/18, Sun.: If there are technical difficulties with the “Donate” button, please click HERE to donate using my PayPalMe link. Thank you!


    Follow conservativelez on Twitter

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    by CynthiaYockey on January 1, 2018

    @Peachyoughurt is one of my Twitter friends who, like me, is working to undo the transgender coup. But why not start 2018 with a smile?

    The term “gender” was appropriated from grammar in 1955 by Johns Hopkins psychologist John Money in his paper, “An Examination of Some Basic Sexual Concepts: The Evidence of Human Hermaphroditism,” about conditions now called differences of sexual development (DSD), which were formerly called intersex. It was a scam from the beginning to give priority to stereotypes of public presentation over physiology. Dr. Money evaded exposure as a fraud and an abuser for over forty years.

    Now “gender” is a mis-direct used by transgender activists, a shell game they can use to keep well-intentioned people busy looking for a pea that isn’t there while their pockets are being picked. Don’t fall for the con. There are dimorphic sexed bodies, there are stereotypes of what is masculine or feminine, nothing else. A man in a dress does not have a gender. He has a sex: he is a man in a dress. He must live in the world of men and his pronouns are he, him, his.

    I want to thank my dear friend, Stacy McCain, for rallying his readers to donate the money I needed today to keep my internet service turned on. I have new opportunities in 2018 to work and make money, which I am looking forward to, including finishing my book. I want to thank all my kind and generous donors who got me through this challenge. However, I must apologize that most of the donation notices PayPal sent me did not include the donor’s email address, so I couldn’t send them a thank you email and the gift report I promised to all donors. If you didn’t receive a thank you note, please comment on this post–your email address will not be published, but I’ll be able to see it and send you a thank you email with the gift report. Thank you!

    I wish you all a happy new year and every blessing always! ❤


    I am very grateful to everyone who donates to support my work. Thank you!

    UPDATE, 2/15/18: A large donation I was counting on has fallen through, unexpectedly. Please give any amount you can because it will help me continue my work. Starting today, I am writing for DANGEROUS.com, where my work is entirely supported by reader donations. Thank you!



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    Support my work because it will undo the transgender coup

    by CynthiaYockey on December 8, 2017

    Steven Crowder, Cynthia Yockey and Chris Loesch at CPAC 2012 after Steven and Chris performed their new rap song, "Mr. America!!" HuffPo published a photo of me dancing to the music at the back of the room.

    Steven Crowder, Cynthia Yockey and Chris Loesch at CPAC 2012 after Steven and Chris performed their new rap song, “Mr. America!!” The Huffington Post tried to smear them as racist using a photo of me dancing while they sang. It blew up in their face when Warner Todd Huston pointed out that they were the ones who were prejudiced because they were mocking a conservative lesbian! Check out my Dec. 11, 2017, interview with Steven for “Louder with Crowder” on CRTV about a Maryland lawsuit that demonstrates how the transgender coup has gotten control of public schools. But first, please donate by clicking my PayPal.Me link because that’s the most powerful way you can fight the transgender coup right now!

    UPDATE, January 1, 2018: An expected check for work is still delayed. I need to raise $600 and pay all three months of my overdue internet bill on Jan. 2 or my internet will be turned off on Jan. 3. If you want to fight transgender activists, donate to me as generously as you can now because I’m putting secular arguments against the transgender agenda into the hands of conservatives so truth can win: just click here for my PayPal.Me link.

    Transgender activists have conducted a successful coup of the public schools to recruit your children to become transgender. It affects everyone because transgender activists want your children to be taught in their biology class that the binary sexes do not exist–they claim sex is a fluid social construct, not an immutable reality.

    In 2018, transgender activists’ next target is state legislatures and the Human Rights Campaign is pouring $26 million into federal, state, and local candidates who support imposing the reality-destroying transgender activist agenda. They will be canvassing door-to-door with lies that will go unopposed unless my readers generously see me through.

    My upcoming book will expose the truth about the transgender activist movement, show you how it harms everyone, including transgender people, and tell you what you can do to undo the transgender coup. Its title is War in the Women’s Room: How to Get Men in Dresses Out of Women’s Spaces, Save Your Children from Confusion About Their Sex, and Undo the Transgender Coup, and it will be published by DANGEROUS Books. I’ll also be writing for the Bombthrowers blog of the Capital Research Center, a conservative investigative think tank, and Milo’s new news site, DANGEROUS.

    But right now I’m stuck and have to ask for your help. Please donate as generously as you can by clicking here for my PayPal Me link.

    I will send every donor a report listing what they can do to undo the transgender coup. UPDATE: I’ve received some donations but can’t send the donors their report because PayPal doesn’t include their e-mail address. To ensure I can e-mail you a thank you note with the report attached as a PDF, please put your e-mail address in the comment box in the donation window that pops up when you click the PayPal.Me link.

    Thank you!


    I’m doing my work fighting the transgender coup by writing my book and for Bombthrowers, and soon, 匿名伕理ip. Right now this blog is where I can send readers who want to help me by donating. That’s why this post is a few weeks old–I’m doing my primary work on my book and elsewhere for larger audiences.

    In February 2018, Dangerous Books will publish my book, War in the Women’s Room: How to Get Men in Dresses Out of Women’s Spaces, Save Your Children from Confusion Ab0ut Their Sex, and Undo the Transgender Coup.

    Are you saying to yourself right now, “What transgender coup?”

    Powered by a coalition of wealthy leftist non-profits, transgender activists have seized control of social media, magazines, news media, teachers’ unions, public schools, and universities, mostly by establishing policies that make it hate speech and bullying to say things like “women don’t have penises,” “men don’t have babies,” and “nothing changes your sex.”

    In New York City, if you call a transgender person by his or her correct, biological pronoun, your landlord, co-op, or condo association will throw you out of your home in order to avoid being fined up to $250,000 by the New York Human Rights Commission. Your employer can fire you for the same reason. Why did transgender activists target New York City to compel speech? When you control speech in New York City, you control it for the world, since it is a center for the publishing and entertainment industries, major stock exchanges, investment and finance companies, and the location of the headquarters of many corporations and the United Nations.

    In California, if you are a nursing home or intermediate care provider, you can be fined $1,000 and thrown in jail for a year for calling a patient by his or her correct pronouns. If a man in a dress wants to share a room with a woman, and use the women’s restrooms, it’s the women who have to pound sand.

    In the school systems throughout the U.S. where transgenders activists have gotten their anti-woman, anti-gay, child-converting policies adopted, girls are not allowed to object to showering with naked boys with erections, or to complain about being forced to compete with boys in girls’ sports, or to use the correct male pronouns for a boy in a dress, because those policies take away her rights and make it hate speech if she objects to the theft. Those boys, her teachers, and school administrators can ruin her life by recording accusations of transphobia in her permanent record and may even send her to jail for harassment.

    Please donate as generously as you can to support my work. As a conservative lesbian, I’m in a unique position to lead the battle against the destructive, totalitarian transgender activist agenda because the left can’t attack me with bogus claims of prejudice without committing real acts of prejudice themselves. Also, in my book I have created a win-win agenda that will protect women and children without harming the rights of transgender people. But right now the payment for work I’ve done that would cover my bills this month is indefinitely delayed. I don’t know how I’m going to keep the lights and heat on, never mind the Internet connection I need to do my work and finish my book.

    Please click the PayPal button below and donate as generously as you can because I will send every donor a personal thank you email and attach a PDF report on the easy ways you can help undo the transgender coup. Thank you!



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